The plan was for this day was to set off early. We broke our record of recent weeks by being up, washed, breakfasted and in the car by 9:10am. Now the mistake we then made was to detour to Pembroke to pick up a package from the UPS store, which happened to be inconveniently located next to a Dress Barn. Karen had earlier realized that the good clothes she had packed for funerals and other such sombre occasions hadn’t actually been packed in our rush to leave Ardsley. If you had seen us depart Ardsley you would have thought we desperados leaving town under the cover of darkness before the authorities caught up with us – I expect our pictures are up on the walls of Starbucks and Ardsley Hardware with a hefty bounty on our heads. That aside we got lost in Pembroke, but found we were “close” to the town of Hanson, which proved too strong an attraction for Karen to resist getting a photo of Jack and Emily by the sign of the town to send to Laura. So finally we managed to get away and find the aforementioned UPS store and its neighbour, the Dress Barn. So Karen and Emily went into Dress Barn to pick up a few things while I popped into the UPS store. Big mistake!!! We finally depart for our original destination, Plymouth, and arrive there shortly after noon – the 25 miles between our origin and destination had taken a lapsed time of approaching 3 hours – an average speed of 8.3333 miles per hour.
We arrived finally in Plymouth …. Phew. For those of you (I would guess this is mainly for the benefit of our friends in the UK) who don’t know the significance of Plymouth, it was the landing place of the Pilgrim Fathers in December 1620. Actually they first landed in what is now Province Town on Cape Cod. These people were farmers and what they found on Cape Cod; sand dunes (not good for crops), flat (not good for defending), unfriendly natives (not good for living long) and no water (not good at all), didn't suit them. So after 6 weeks they set off again and landed on the mainland and settled in what they called Plymouth, after the town from which they set out from. 102 Pilgrims had set out on the trip on board the Mayflower and by all accounts it was a tempestuous 66 day crossing – they had to turn back twice in the English Channel as the second ship due to make the crossing kept taking in water and was deemed not sea worthy (they eventually gave up on this ship and all crowded on to the one vessel). The first year for the Pilgrims was tough and about half of them died, but they were fortunate enough to set-up an alliance with the local Native Americans, the Wampanoag. The Wampanoag Nation extended through what is now Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The leader of the Wampanoag tribes, Massasoit, decided significantly an alliance with the English settlers would strengthen their position with respect to neighbouring Nations. The event of Thanksgiving was born out of one feast that occurred between the settlers and the Wampanoag. If it had not been for this alliance it is likely the Plymouth settlement would have floundered. Plymouth was not the first settlement in the US – this honour goes to Jamestown in Virginia – but at that time the nearest settlement was hundreds of miles south at the mouth of the Hudson River.
At Plymouth we went down to the waterfront, where there is a State Park. The two main exhibits here are the Mayflower II and Plymouth Rock. Mayflower II was built as a replica of

Our next stop was Plimouth Plantation (this is how it is spelt). This is a great place to visit – the three main attractions are living museums; a Wompanpoag village, a Colonial village (supposedly Plymouth settlement in 1627) and a craftsman’s workshop.
The Wompanoag village is manned (and womaned) by members of the Wompanoag tribe – they are dressed traditionally but don’t try to play in the character of their 17th century descendents.

I found the Colonial settlement to be excellent – it felt a lot more genuine than the

The final exhibit is the craft centre where they have craftsman working on materials for the other exhibits; such as furniture, textiles and pottery. You can watch them and quiz them on what they are working on. Emily was taken by someone fletching (making arrows) who appeared to be of native American descent. He taught Emily some moose calls – and for those who don’t know she loves moose. This relationship went well until he told her he hunted them.
All in all I would thoroughly recommend the Plimouth Plantation for a visit.