The primary reason for staying in McMinnville is so that we could visit the State Capital of Tennessee, Nashville. Unfortunately I had miscalculated the distance from McMinnville to Nashville, thinking it was about 30 miles when it was a lot nearer 80 miles. Never mind we set off and it was a nice day and scenery was pleasant, rolling hills and still some autumn colour on the trees.

Nashville itself is quite a modern looking city. It had a lot less of a grungy feel than Memphis – not quite sterile but a more sanitised feel. Once parked up we decided to trudge the streets for a while and find somewhere for lunch. We set off having found a couple of recommended restaurants from our trusty “Road food” book. We stumbled upon Broadway, the main music street in Nashville, full of bars, restaurants and shops selling cowboy hats, boots and garish shirts. Every bar and restaurant has live music and we were fortunate enough to find one with something going at 11:30am in the morning – which was not too early for me at least to have a beer and watch some country. We were joined by a coach load of tourists so it was quite good atmosphere for so early in the day. The artist was clever at working the audience, particularly the older women in the crowd. Buoyed by the music and beer we went off and called in at one of the cowboy outfitters along the street – attracted in by a set of pink cowboy boots in Emily’s size. Incredibly they even stock Stetsons that fitted Mark’s large noggin.
By this time all our activity had fuelled our hunger and we set out to try and find the restaurants we had written down. Unfortunately it turned out since the book had been written and published both places had disappeared into the ether, but luckily we found a couple of stout and well fed looking business men who recommended us to a home style cooking restaurant called Caroline’s. This turned out to be a gem – very basic with food served on plastic plates – but goodness was it tasty.

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