Montgomery, AL to Atlanta, Georgia (Miles to Date:10,300)
Before moving we wanted to visit one more place in Montgomery. This was the Dexter King Memorial Baptist Church. This is the church which appointed the 26 year old Martin Luther King Jr as its pastor in 1954. We enter the basement of the church, which a meeting room – the same one that was used to organise the bus boycott in 1955. On the wall of this room is a 47 foot mural painted by deacon John W Feagin, a personal friend of Dr King, depicting characters from the Civil Rights movements and events in Dr King’s life and post his death. We had a great tour guide who explained the events shown in the mural and then took us up into the main church sanctuary where services are still held to this day. This was a great way to end our visit to Montgomery and set the scene for our visit to Atlanta where Dr King was born and is buried.
The journey to Atlanta was thankfully uneventful. We had found back in Colorado Springs that we had seepage in a hose within the transmission system. Unfortunately finding a replacement hose was proving to be problematic – and there were only three dealerships in the whole country who supposedly had one of these hoses and one fortunately was on our route in Roswell, Georgia about 20 miles north of downtown Atlanta. So we dropped our van off at the dealer, picked up a rental car and set off for our hotel for the next couple of nights.
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