Fiesta Key, Florida (Miles to Date: 13150)
Where are staying is wonderful. The campsite is just on the eastern tip of Long Key at mile marker 70 (distances along the Keys are measured by the mile marker – 0 being in Key West). Fiesta Key is almost surrounded by pristine blue green water – and is more or less an island. The campsite fills the whole of this space, and includes a swimming pool, a swimming area in the sea and a marina. The campsite is quite full but we are only about 50 yards from the sea, so baring one or two motor homes we have a great view.

Jack, Emily and Laura are having a wonderful time, and the weather is magnificent. Fortunately it is still school vacation time so they are plenty of other children around for them to play with. They love patrolling the waterside looking for creatures of the sea – and there is plenty to see with squid, parrot fish, cow fish, jellyfish, spiny lobster and dolphins amongst other things. Their other favourite pastime, especially Jack’s, is to go snorkelling over the reef fringe. He would spend hours there if allowed.

Today we broke out our inflatable raft for the first time. Karen and Jack were the first to try this out – unfortunately Mark had not fully inflated the middle sections of the boat, so the vessel was inherently unstable. Sure enough 5 minutes into her maiden journey the good ship capsized ejecting her crew into the briny – fortunately they we no more than 20 yards from shore. After the application of additional air the boat was returned to the water where a new crew, Emily and her two new friends, showed how it should be done.
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