Montreal to Ottawa (Miles to Date: 2710)

Yesterday was a bit of a damp squib – the weather turned and the morning was raw. The night before had been totally different as we had taken a walk from our hotel down to the Chinese District where we had a Chinese buffet (the easiest way to satisfy the tastes of the Hoblets clan) and then wondered into the old town of Montreal which is very pleasant at night time with loads of people wondering around and lots of good places to eat. The area in front of the Hotel de Ville is particularly popular with tourists and street performers alike. Usually we manage to escape the attention of the street performers but this time the two senior Hoblets got nabbed (due to the loud behaviour of the two junior Hoblets who did manage to attract attention) and were “forced” to dance a slow dance and Mark was enticed to swear an oath of love to Karen.

So yesterday we just spent some time in the hotel catching up on things and then went out to tour Montreal’s underground city, a complex of some 1600 underground shops connected by passageways. Obviously Montreal gets some harsh winters so the population turns into to troll for 3 or 4 months of the year.

The trip to from Montreal to Ottawa was a mere 120 miles so we were there in no time at all.

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