Ottawa – (Miles to Date: 2735)
Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada so last night we went to Tuckers, an all you can eat buffet in Downtown Ottawa. The offering was the traditional Thanksgiving foods and also they provide the most amazing salad bar, soups, hot food and deserts. We all agreed it was one of the best buffet selections we had ever seen – and the Hoblets know their buffets having tried numerous restaurants the length and breadth of the USA. Unfortunately as is often the case the two male members of the party over indulged and Jack had to pay a visit to the bathroom before we left.
We are staying in the Comfort Inn Downtown Ottawa, which was not very downtown at all – in fact it is in a district called Vanier which is extremely seedy. We later found out the area is frequented by drug dealers and prostitutes. The hotel also seemed to attract the worst sorts (obviously we were there which proves the point) and the people next door made strange noises throughout the night keeping us awake. To add insult to injury on the way down to breakfast in the morning we found two of our bike seats had been taken off our bikes (which were locked on the back of the car). They even took Mark’s seat which was all ripped and torn. Fortunately two seats survived because they were harder to get off. Really, really annoying but we suspected our bikes would get vandalised some where along the way.

As the day was most unpleasant we decided to go to the Museum of Civilisation, which is excellent. There is an exhibit on Canada’s first people – a bit like the one in Quebec but much more extensive. The display of totem poles and other artefacts were stunning. Also there is a Children’s Museum onsite which was also great but our two were probably on the old side to get

the most out of it. The last exhibit we went through was a trip through Canada’s history and development. It is a series of full size scenes and panoramas of city streets (you can go in and out of shops) and displays, complete with multimedia shows. It is one of the best and most informative exhibits of its type we have seen in a long time.
As we enjoyed our Thanksgiving meal so much at Tuckers the night before – guess what - we went back and over ate for the second time!!!!
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